A few people have told me they find this blog to be informative. I hope it is, it was an intention of mine and a form of release. Hey, not everyone is on Facebook, so it has to be a separate entity. It also allows me to keep in touch with people and them to keep in touch with me, if they want of course. But first an old photo.
Ignore the setting (well, blindfold) and let me explain. This was taken during, I think, my fourth round of chemo in 2010. The reason I've posted it is to show my beard, which apart from being whispy also had bald patches. The hat was a necessity. And this brings me onto the ground rules.
See, I will get ratty and angry with people during the chemotherapy. It's not nice and what you can see in this photo is an effect of the drugs. I kept most of my hair but did lose some and my beard stopped growing and has bald patches. This is why I want to lay down a few ground rules, but not in a malicious way. Just so you know that there will be bad days.
So,here are some ground rules.
Please remember, if I don't want to talk about something illness related, don't push on it. Mostly I will but cancer and its treatment are deeply personal. There will be instances where I will back off.
Please don't ask me how I am? As of now all days are either good or bad. You can't say "I'm well" because you are not. It's all degrees of sickness and with the chemo being vicious days are either good or bad.
I won't be able to forward plan for a while. Every day is played by ear, so until this is over I don't know what I'm doing. You can't, therefore, rely on me somedays. Don't take it personally.
There will be some physical changes aside from hair. I may lose my sense of taste and I did lose some skin from my hands. There may be others. They'll be temporary, but just be aware of them, okay.
Finally, this can be very lonely. So please, don't be strangers but don't overwhelm me.
In the meantime, line tomorrow, which I will write about then hell on Earth from Tuesday. All a bit nerve-wracking, but been here before.
Oh, and I have these!
Yes, lots of jelly beans! |
I'm going in and I may be some time!
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